kel, training, mum, muscles, goals, fitness, health, gym, blaxland, blue mountains, crossfit

Importance of Setting to Achieving Goals

Importance of Setting to Achieve Goals

Introducing Kel! A lovely smiley wife and mother of two who recently has been spotlighted for her commitment to herself and consistent training. How’d she do this? By ‘setting and then achieving’!

Kel fit training crossfit blue mountains peak blaxland

Kel started with CrossFit Peak Blaxland like all of our new members, by sitting down and mapping out her goals with us in a goal setting session. Setting out your goals and mapping a timeline for your goals is the key to managing and then achieving them. It provides a plan and how to get there. It also helps to keep you accountable and on track!

For the last 12months Kel has been steadily building up her strength and fitness. She recently set a goal to do 50 sessions in 10 weeks! And you guessed it, by the end of week 10 she had ticked off the 50th session! Despite running her own business and no doubt busy with the family life.

So why did she do it?

“Relationships, parenting, business are all more successful if you’re consistent. It’s the same when we choose to look after our bodies. I train so I can ski, surf, carry my kids and hopefully be an old lady one day.” I love CrossFit Peak Blaxland because I feel part of the team. I love that the coaches are genuinely excited for my success and are always welcoming. No one asks me too much about work, kids etc and I like that. It’s a space for just me… And I don’t need to make any decisions.”

Congrats on an awesome commitment to yourself, your health, your future and family! And thanks for being an inspiration to our other members.

If you’re interested in the science behind setting and achieving your goals, there’s a great podcast by Dr Andrew Huberman and Dr Emily Balcetis – ‘Visualize and Achieve Goals‘.

You can also book a free No-Sweat Intro with us and we can help you map out, timeline and set actions to achieve your goals.

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