Results For Category: "Blog"

dehydration, hydration, performance, recovery

Drink up! How to Maximising Your Workouts and Kick A**E in Life!

We’re talking fluids and hydration! Remember, every cell in your body is made up of water! So whether you’re hitting the weights or going for…

middle aged fitness strength training muscle joint longevity

Stay Strong and Sharp: How CrossFit Boosts Health for the 35-50 year olds.

You’ve heard it before – “Healthy body, healthy mind.” You know you should be doing some resistance training to keep your bone density and muscle….

kids fitness training crossfit gym teenager teen female male kid boy girl

CrossFit for Kids & Teens: Boosting Cognitive Function and Mental Health

Physical exercise is vital for cognitive function in school-aged children, and CrossFit training is a great way to achieve those benefits. CrossFit is a fitness…

fitness training gym training variety coaching strength cardio health blue mountains crossfit blaxland

Variety is the Spice of Fitness: How to Beat Plateaus and Maximise Your Progress.

When it comes to fitness, the old adage “variety is the spice of life” couldn’t be more true. While it’s important to establish a consistent…

teenage crossfit girls

Girls Growing Up with Grit

The developing youth are on a path to adulthood. They are building character, skills and habits which very well shape their future. Positively impacting our…

From Mum to Muscles

I want to lose weight, build muscle, tone up, feel strong and good about myself! Does any of this sounds familiar? If it does, you’re…

strength, training, strong, muscle, crossfit, blaxland, blue mountains

6 Reasons to Incorporate Strength Training

If you’re not strength training you’re doing yourself an injustice. Our bodies are designed to move. It’s natural for us to squat, press and pick…

motivate, coach, training, blaxland, blue mountains, crossfit, pt, classes, gym, strong, strength

Want to make it easier to start training?

Want to get back into fitness and do something for yourself? Want to feel more confident but don’t know where to start, or how to…

nutrition, training, crossfit, gym, blaxland, blue mountains, strength, health, coach, local

Protein to build muscle and lose unwanted kilos

So you want to build muscle and lose unwanted kilos? Exercise is important but, what you eat is going to have an effect on this…

kel, training, mum, muscles, goals, fitness, health, gym, blaxland, blue mountains, crossfit

Importance of Setting to Achieving Goals

Importance of Setting to Achieve Goals Introducing Kel! A lovely smiley wife and mother of two who recently has been spotlighted for her commitment to…